Saturday, September 6, 2014

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I still think one of the best ways to monetize your Blogs or Websites is by using "AdSense" and "Affiliate Marketing".The Secret to  making it or failing is choosing the name of the blog or website carefully ,the same for keywords and the most important are  GOOD CONTENT.Just in case, you ask why?Because this is the factors GOOGLE uses to rank your work.People who tell you there is an income without Google,me personally ,would not trust.

HERE are 8 Steps on How To Find a Niche in Affiliate Marketing

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to make money online is to become an affiliate marketer.

Online or affiliate marketing has progressed as fast as the internet itself, but some of the basic essentials have stayed  the same.  I am going to discuss the logical and necessary steps to help your business to become a success.

Let's start with what affiliate marketing actually is. Firstly affiliate marketing is an actual business and should be treated as such. Affiliate marketing is finding an offer of  someone else's products and you then begin endorsing it to earn a commission. You encourage others to purchase the products, and if someone purchases it you get paid that commission. One of the best aspects is if you are advertising someone else's products, are you do not have to worry about holding stock or having a warehouse to hold the products. Think of yourself as a salesperson that does not have to go face to face knock on doors or make phone calls. There are many opportunities online for affiliate marketers.
 Some gurus state that you do not need a website to do affiliate marketing, They state you can promote products without one. In a sense they are right, but it helps if you at least have a one using an opt-in form. If you at least have that, then  you are on your way. An opt-in form or squeeze form  is a short one-page site that has an autoresponder form embedded into it.  I will go into more detail about this and a few other things below.   

    1. Choose A Niche: For you to become a success in online or affiliate marketing you need niche products that you will want to be associated with, and advertise. If you want to help others to learn about affiliate marketing then narrow down the search. Find a niche that is going to help your visitor that is interested in affiliate marketing then look for a need in that niche that needs to be filled. To do this you need to look for what is known as a micro niche.  A micro niche is a niche inside a niche.  For example,  one good niche might be making money online but your micro niche is promoting an autoresponder  or an autoresponder that has its own squeeze form. So an autoresponder squeeze form is a micro niche. Once you have found the offer you want to promote,  stick to that niche. Stay with the one product until you begin to make a commission on it.

A good rule of thumb  for any affiliate marketer is when advertising  your niche products  you are going to have to advertise that niche in at least thousands different places for about 3 months, and if you are not getting sign ups or sales, then try other products in the same niche of, and after another 3 months if you are still not making any commission then change your niche. Remember stick to what you know or are interested in. This makes it easier to promote,  because you are already excited about the topic, and this will show up in what you say as you endorse it.

    2. A Site with An Opt-In Form: In affiliate marketing an opt-in form is essential, it is also known as a capture page, a squeeze page and an opt-in form. You have probably signed into one the past, If you have ever signed into a website giving your name and email address and then you start to receive regular emails  from the company, then you have signed into an opt-in page.  So what is so important about this opt-in form,

Well, put quite simply, all of the internet guru's  state that the money is in the list. This is a very true statement.  You can make commission without a list, but for long term success, you really need a list that you can build a relationship with. They begin to trust you and you are able to speak about products that you recommend.
Assuming you have a squeeze form and a niche that you  want to endorse, what now? The answer is simple, you need to offer something free to encourage them to want to sign up. Maybe products like eBook or a video course that you believe is good value to your customer. You are probably thinking how can I make a commission if I am giving things away?  Well, I will explain. Once you have their name and email, and you are building trust with them, and you are sending regular good content in the form of a newsletter to them you are building trust, and people will buy from people they trust. This is when it starts to become fun. At the bottom of each newsletter you send out, you provide a relevant link to online opportunities. You are showing someone a link who you are an affiliate for. Make sure that it is relevant to what you are speaking about. If your customers believe that you are there to help them, you then gain their trust and they are more inclined to buy the product that you are trying to advertise.

     3. Affiliate programs:  There are many affiliate programs in a niche of your choice, that you can promote from.  Amazon, EBay, are a couple of places that you are probably familiar with, especially if you want to advertise physical products.  But have you considered digital downloadable products? There are some places that you can promote other peoples eBooks, video courses, software,  in the niche that you are promoting. 

Assuming that you have found a niche,  the next thing is to find a product. One of the most popular affiliate sites is Clickbank what often offers up to 75% commission for a product to their affiliates. You become an affiliate,  and the owner of the product otherwise known as a vendor offers  you up to 75% commission.  The Vendor benefits by not having to do the work themselves, and they are usually happy to pay the commission that you earned for the effort you put in.   In your affiliate marketing business, remember your reputation is important so choose your product carefully, and be honest.  

    4. Branding. Branding is so important for an affiliate marketing business.  So what do I mean by branding? Well, branding yourself  or your business is about becoming recognised and respected on the net as someone with authority, someone who knows there stuff. You need to get your website and your face out to as many places as possible.  If people can see a face associated with a product it will go a long way to building trust and your reputation as an expert. One sure way to build your reputation as an  expert is by starting a good quality content filled blog.  You can also build your reputation as an expert by writing articles for article directories.

For your online business to go long term, it is completely reliant on branding. Look at Coca-Cola, they are a classic in branding, as well as other household names. In fact, if coca cola decided not to advertise  their products for a year, they will still keep going because of their well-known brand.  Your online presence as an affiliate is just as important.  
There are some well-known affiliate marketing experts that operate mainly in one niche but use different products. maybe that is something you can try later on.   
 People know when someone knows what they are speaking about and if you can brand yourself as an expert people will trust you even more, then they will look for your link to see what products you might have.  If you want to begin to write articles then start in writing about something you already know, make sure you use the keywords correctly and do not over stuff them into your article or blog. You could be writing about business opportunities or other opportunities in another niche. it does not matter, just start writing and let your creative juices flow

    5.  Tracker, or Stat counter: Your affiliate marketing business needs  a tracker. It is so important to your online business. A tracker will keep track of what your website is doing. A tracker will tell you where your best traffic sources are, e.g.  articles, blogs, Safelists etc as well as to which countries most of your website visitors are coming from. This is important so you can focus on trying to improve other the sources that are not doing as well.  Just so you know you will need to learn about several traffic methods so you can build your brand, and be seen by thousands of people. Now think about this. for your site to rank well on Google you are going to have to have your links on thousands of  good quality sites and you are going to have to provide good quality content that fits what Google is looking for.

    6. Promote Your Site: That may sound overly simplified but it is essentially what you are going to have to do. Your Affiliate marketing business does not just stop with the word affiliate, in fact, the primary word should be marketing.  Marketing your niche products should be the main task you need to focus on. Essentially you become your own marketing business. You can advertise on traffic exchanges, Safelists, classified ads, article directories as well as social media,  YouTube,  blogs, forums, Press Releases, Video logs, etc. You need to have a broad range of places to offer your online opportunities. Let's face it if you want to do this then you are now an online marketer. 

    7. Keyword research: Keyword research is a necessary part of online marketing or affiliate marketing. Once you have found an opportunity in the niche you want to show others then you need to search engine optimize it or use SEO it. Some gurus say SEO is dead but it is far from it. You will sell your business opportunities  better if you can get natural search results for your keywords. Keywords can be used in not just articles or blogs, you can use them in description  areas or even in classified ads. You can use it for your meta keyword area as well as the meta keyword or meta description area in the background of your website.  (but that is more for the advanced affiliate marketers) search engines love keywords and you need it.

    8. Training: In affiliate marketing, you need to keep up with your training. The internet is constantly changing, and you as an affiliate need to keep up with the changes. Google recently used what is known as a panda and penguin, to improve the users search results. This has hurt many online marketers, especially in the business opportunities niche.  But if you stick to the rules you can recover.  Be honest and play the Google game and you can still make money online. remember stick to your niche products and follow the rules.   

If you are interested in affiliate marketing online, and if you use these tips properly, Find the niche products  that you want to promote, you will begin to make money, The internet his huge and there is plenty of room for you as well, and it will encourage you to keep going. So remember affiliate marketing is an internet  business and the results will vary from one affiliate to another. All I can say is whatever you do, do  not give up. success is just around the corner. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

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 Website Tools

In my pursuit of traffic in hope of getting sales,I try to use WebsiteTools when I can affordit.
One such a Website Tool is "LEAD GENERATING TOOLS" or "LGT" for short.
LGT lets you Create Unlimited Responders To Run Unlimited Campaigns or 
you can Choose A Campaign From The Many Resources Or Run Your Own Campaigns. 

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If you do not want to work for someone your whole life, you need to join and be included in the exclusive members training 5 days a week!!! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Access 74,152 Free Visitors Every 24 Hours

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Access 74,152 Free Visitors Every 24 Hours sells for $4.99, as an affiliate you will earn 100% commission paid instantly into your PayPal, AlertPay or Moneybookers account.
Our affiliate program works a little differently to what you might be used to. Instead of earning a percentage of each sale you make, you receive a percentage of the total sales, paid directly into your own PayPal, AlertPay or Moneybookers account. This works out the same amount but there is no waiting weeks or even months for your commissions, you always get paid instantly to your account.

 Access 74,152 Free Visitors Every 24 Hours

Monday, May 19, 2014

Traffic Generator

My title page contents page contents just could be the first Internet Marketing
tool to be more powerful than email marketing.
If you need Traffic,click on the Link
DesktopLightning - Click Here For Free Traffic
A catchy new viral marketing tool, capable of broadcasting
  messages directly to people's desktops.  Easy to use, and
  caters primarily to those who have something they want to
  promote and are looking for a better way to do it.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Online Money Making

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I have already, mentioned this before, using Amazon for  Online Money Making.
There is not ,as far as my research tells me, a better avenue to  Online Money Making than
Amazon. If you manage to get it right, and Amazon provides a lot of information for you as
a affiliate ,information's what you would have to find out for your self other ways,
costing you time and frustration.
Basically,what you have to do is :
 -get a G mail account
 -join Google site,Google Webmaster tool,Google Analytic's,Google Blogger etc...
 -Better still ,join all of Google Tools
 -Start looking for Amazon products you want to send traffic too.
 -Register the better Key Words associated with the product.
 -Than create a Web site or a Blog for the product.
 -Last and the most important step, Start sending traffic your Creation(web site,blog's)
Getting Traffic to your web sites and blog's, as mentioned above,is the most important
but the hardest step.If you want to Make Money Online you need TRAFFIC.
With Traffic i will deal on the next Posting.

Friday, May 9, 2014

How to monetize your Blog?

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  Ever since the Internet or digital highway was launched, a few smart people saw opportunity and I will try to explain what I mean by that. Prior to the launch, most of advertising was being done on the television on the radio on street panels or specifically allocated spots you could rent from councils and in magazines and news papers. The TV ads were the most efficient because they reached a lot of people all over the country.
 When the Internet was turned on,a few big companies thought it will never catch on,so they stayed away.Other people went for it full on and made a lot of money in not to long time. I will give you an example,if you had the foresight to register "" or "",today you be at lest millionaire if not billionaire. This is the power of the INTERNET. Even today there are still ways to get a income stream of your blog or website.
For more information about the subject live your name and email address:

Make Money with Blog “TrialBux”

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My title

page contents

Welcome to my site. After you read this, you should know joining TrialBux is a good Idea. and is an online rewards portal dedicated to helping you earn virtual currency called "TrialBux", which can be redeemed for exclusive merchandise, gifts & traditional cash.

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

How to Earn Money Online

Today the Internet is growing,and is becoming a very good market place.Smart individuals saw this trend developing early on,and acted ,in the process they made themselves rich.So my intention in this blog is to try and show people tempted to have ago,a few different way's to generate a income on the Internet.There are a few  specific way you can try.

The best way is with :
    AdSense-witch is Google's arm what generates ads for interested companies,
you can always be sure you will get paid.

Another way is with
     Click Bank and Click Sure-In this case you can except a lot of competition.

And then is
     Amazon-what is a 100 billion dollars per year company,if you can master your way with Amazon you will generate a nice income.

Lately is a lot of talk about trading online being a certain income from home from your laptop.
My self, i am not sure yet if this is true ,because the trading online affiliates are some of the highest affiliate payments you can earn, so not sure trading binary options actually works.
 By the way, Affiliate Marketing is another way to achieve a income  on the Internet.
As you can see this are only a few, but if you will return to this blog, i will keep listing as i research more way's to a Internet Income.