Monday, November 28, 2016


Hello again,my friends and fellow Internet marketeers.This time I want to show you
a system what I and other people call a "Cool Opportunity". This site is based on
giving away free stuff what helps you to create and build a list and a business.
Look I can sit here and waste your time trying to explain how it works or better
let you make up your mind by looking at the site yourself so just click on the banner:

Saturday, June 25, 2016


Recently I was clearing some of my old emails,I'm talking way back like 2008 to 2013,most of the emails were from affiliates I was exchanging ideas with, and some of them were from affiliate Gurus from those years and as I was opening them I was clicking on the links I was receiving as free software and blogs from these people. I was surprised to see how many of this link were a dead end and how many blogs were closed,and then I realized how many people had given up on the dream of making an income online. The truth being known,in those days if you were a bit of a computer nerd, it was easier to make a lot of money fast,and they did,but if you were starting from basic knowledge,you had to learn how to do a lot of things,so that is why a lot of people gave up.

And what else I've noticed,people are prepared to lie in the hope of getting  emails on their list,this is disgusting,and the worst was when I realized some affiliates were seeking the phone numbers and then making phone calls under false pretense.That nearly ended my affiliate marketing career.And I actually closed my server and stayed away for a while.

But I came back to have another look and I can say  this day,there are ways now where you don't need any of that stuff  like blogs or websites,you can get traffic by using different software's,and you can buy books from people who have made it and they are cheap and self-explanatory.

Always do you homework,don't lead with you wallet use your brains.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Wealthy affiliate

Hello fellow suffering Internet Marketeers or I should call you fellow Internet MuskeMarketeers
I haven't posted for a while because I've been beaten by the Black Dog and when that happens I'm not much good to anybody and can't do much. Just in case you don't know what Black Dog stands for is Mental Depression.
But now I'm back and I think I found the "Holly Grail" for Affiliate Marketing. The website is called and is a membership website what costs 11.80 $   a week or 47 $ a month.
BUT and I mean a big BUT is you can join for free and the creator of the Wealthy Affiliate allows two
free websites so you can learn and basically find out if you want to pursue the affiliate marketing work from home career.
And believe me even, if you want to fail you can't do it because is so much help available.
So there you GO if you want to try it out just click on the banner:

 and if you click on the banner I get a commission what helps me keep this blog going
and thank you in advance.And if you want me to send you weekly news about this and that
and mostly to do with Affiliate Marketing you can add your name and email address :